🏅 Anyone can participate!

Regardless of skill level and prior experience with the demoscene, participating with something is a tradition at demoscene events and we strongly encourage everyone attending to submit an entry. But you're still welcome to attend even if you don't! And if you can't attend but still want to contribute we welcome remote submissions aswell. To submit your entry just go to the login page and sign in using SceneID, you will be able to upload and edit your entry up until the deadline (4 May 00:00 CET) and also be able to vote on the competitions.

🎨 ZX Spectrum Graphics

We will have a screening for static "loading screen" ZX Spectrum graphics. Screens will be shown using a standard western 128K Spectrum model.

Maximum two entries per participant. If you use conversion tools you need to mention it in the description or your work may be disqualified. Realtime 53C graphics format submissions not allowed in this competition.

Please submit a zip with your entry including:

If you are new to drawing graphics for the ZX Spectrum you can use some of these painting programs: Multipaint, SevenuP, ZX Paintbrush and for the ZX Spectrum itself: Burial GFX Editor, The Art Studio.

🎶 ZX Spectrum Music Top

We will have a screening for ZX Spectrum music. Music will be played using a standard western 48K Spectrum model (for beeper tracks) or vortex tracker (for pt3 tracks). If there are any specific tracker configuration we should be aware of to play your track as intended please include it on the readme or comments for organizers section of the upload form.

Maximum one entry per participant. Beeper music and PT3 formats accepted.

Please submit a zip with your entry including:

If you are new to making music for the ZX Spectrum you can use some of these trackers: Vortex Tracker 2.6.1, 1tracker and Beepola.

📦 ZX Spectrum 256b Intro Top

We will have a screening for intros with up to 256 bytes in filesize. Entries will be shown using a standard western 128K Spectrum model. If you target a different kind of ZX Spectrum platform please provide a video recording of your entry.

Please submit a zip with your entry including:

If you are new to sizecoding for the ZX Spectrum, we recommend you watch these seminars: ZX Spectrum sizecoding for beginners by Gasman and Lovebyte 2024 Seminar - Extreme ZX Spectrum Sizecoding.

🌈 ZX Spectrum Demo Top

Entries will be shown using a standard western 128K Spectrum model. If you target a different kind of ZX Spectrum platform please provide a video recording of your entry.

Please submit a zip with your entry including:

🐯 Wild Showcase Top

We will have a screening block for the Wild category, for showcasing any Synergy 2024 productions that don't quite fit the competition categories. We will show your entry for a maximum of 5 minutes. We are looking for submissions of the following kind:

Please submit a zip with your entry: including the binaries if it's an executable release or a video capture if it's not. Should also contain a short text file explaining what it is, who made it, the techniques and references used and how to play it.

⌨ LivecodeTop

We will have a 1 hour session of livecoding visuals for the ZX Spectrum using Z80 assembler using the Bazematic tool.

📜 General RulesTop

Original content

All productions submitted must be original releases of your own copyright and not previously made public. Sampling / remixing to create derivative work of someone else is accepted but within reason, blatant plagiarism has no creative value and will be disqualified. When submitting the production please list your sources and tools explicitly, they will be shown on the information slide and are critical to contextualize your entry to the viewers.

Production licenses

All productions submitted will be distributed free for download on the internet after the event. By submitting your production to our party website you are agreeing to this distribution. The copyright remains yours ofcourse, and you are free to select what license your work uses, if you prefer something else besides Creative Commons BY-NC-SA that we apply by default. But please be aware your submission will be archived and made public. We might also possibly use your work to promote future events organized by Associação Inércia and possibly distribute it in physical media (offered or sold at production + shipping costs) to promote such events. Please only submit your entry if you're ok with this use cases.


The event organization team reserves the right to not screen or distribute your submission for any reason. This rule will be enforced in case of productions which are deeemed innapropriately offensive or immoral according to the subjective moral code criteria of the organization or plain illegal according to the Portuguese law.